Using your nitro (by double-tapping the accelerator button) will level the playing field, often jettisoning you way past the pack if you have a full nitro meter at your disposal (you can replenish this meter by driving through pickups across the course and also by removing other riders from their bikes).

You see, each level has a driving experience that initially puts all other racers out of your reach. Level objectives can include a straight race, a set number of opponents to kill, reaching the finish within a set time, and more, so the general gameplay is varied, but there’s still a samey sense which filters through. After selecting a bike and rider and then sitting through a seemingly interminable loading screen, you’ll eventually be thrust straight onto the road for the action. You can hop on a bike and play a one-off level from the off, but the meat and potatoes of Road Redemption come in its campaign mode, which can be played with one or two players. Both heavily place the emphasis on the explosive anger associated with biker gangs, with the actual riding side coming across as a secondary element. It’s a game that clearly serves as a spiritual successor to Road Rash, a series that had its humble beginnings on the Sega Mega Drive in 1991. From using machine guns on your rival riders while racing at high speeds, swinging a club at a rider to either side to knock them off their bikes or, under its most gory episode, slicing another rider’s head clean off using a sword, Road Redemption is all about the shock and awe. Road Redemption earns its 18 ratings by pushing the scale of bloodlust up just about as high as it can possibly go. Whacked right out of his skull, man! Road Redemption has you play as a member of a bikergang, hunting a lucrative bounty along long, winding roads and unleashing a whole host of violence along the way.

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